but that’s ok, too, he likes listening to magnus talk about it and magnus can go with cat and dot while alec stays with madzie sometimes, you know.

i think he might have tried taking alec with him to some of these underground concerts but alec doesn’t strike me as particularly tuned to music and i think he’d be the kind not to stray too far from his more niche interests. so he knows a little bit of everything - and yeah, he definitely still goes to concerts. he also listens to artists from all over the world, both famous and absolutely unknown - he’s travelling all the time, after all, and he likes knowing new stuff, so magnus definitely goes to underground concerts from cities all over the world just to find new stuff. he can enjoy ryuichi sakamoto’s modern-classical fusion of instrumental, and Toxic By Britney Spears™. These two are the ones that immediately come to mind, but i think magnus’ got a pretty eclectic taste in music - he can appreciate pretty much anything, because everything’s able to touch him even if it’s in wildly different ways.

no one else can touch magnus’ heart quite like queen does. so yeah, queen is definitely magnus’ favorite, and it suits so many of his moods - from silly and romantic lip syncing to good old fashioned lover boy to sitting down and feeling the sadness and blues of who wants to live forever, to the more sexy vibes of my baby does me. he likes the over-the-top, especially because it all serves a purpose and goes well together. and magnus likes that, likes songs that are intense and strong and take him on a trip. also, they have the theatricality, the intensity, that just demands that you listen to all of their songs at maximum volume and that just brings you in, you know. and they’re well done and creative and magnus appreciates creativity, a lot. i mean, magnus has been listening to music since the 1600s, so of course changes and experiments are gonna be particularly interesting to him. they were completely rocking (ha) the music world, daring to mix genres that were never mixed before, and it was amazing. dudes be making waltz with electric guitars, jazz solos without any instruments, bike horns solos. not to mention they are such a creative band, like, shit, dudes be out there mixing opera and hard rock like nobody’s business.

no one else will ever have the range and talent and be able to speak so closely to magnus’ heart - they have everything, from dealing with abuse to loneliness to immortality. So anyway, yeah, i am of the opinion that magnus’ favorite band is and will always be queen.